I often feel overwhelmed by my laundry... and I only have two children. I can't imagine how much laundry moms and dads of more children do... it's a primary reason I can't have more children... I just can't face anymore laundry. Someone may still find me suffocated under a pile of dirty clothes someday... it's a real possibility!

Anyway, stains are my new trouble. My four-year-old talks incessantly, is staunchly against following rules, and has a knack for getting her clothes REALLY dirty. Sometimes, if I can address the issue right away we're OK, but sometimes I can't... and it turns into something that is a real problem. Lately the biggest culprits are paint at preschool and whatever food she splattered all over her favorite new orange t-shirt.
I found these tips on
Inhabitat (a REALLY cool website I'm going to have to look around more later)...
First, DON'T rub! Dab, blot, scrape, etc... but rubbing makes the stain deeper...
And the most interesting part to me, KNOW THY CHEMISTRY!
Tomato, oil, and fats: Try pouring boiling water over the stain in a bowl, cornflour or baking soda can also help absorb and lessen the stain
Ink, blood: Soak in milk (!!!) Hydrogen peroxide also works wonders on dried blood
Gum: Freeze and chip off (my aside: you can also apply ice if it's on something you can't throw in the freezer... like hair!)
Grass stains: Hydrogen peroxide
Berries: Vinegar works for these acidic stains (also try for coffee, tea, wine)
They had others on their
Green Laundry 101 page if you're interested, I just posted the ones I run across most! I may actually print this list out and post it in my laundry room so that I can easily figure out what I need to deal with the latest catastrophe.
Now... if they could just figure out a way to get out stains that make it all the way through the washer/dryer without being noticed until I'm folding laundry... *sigh*...